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Below are several websites were you can find valuable infomation about pets and pet care.



ASPCA Poison Control Center


Hillsborough Animal Services


The Department of Animal Services enforces the County's Animal Ordinance and the Florida Laws relating to animals, provides an animal adoption program, picks up and shelters stray, sick and/or injured animals, offers spay and neuter vouchers to pet owners who have their animals spayed or neutered, issues rabies registration tags, investigates animal cruelty and neglect, and quarantines animals that have bitten someone. 
The site also has valuable information on pet friendly shelters, free clinics and more.  A good resource.


American Kennel Club

Site offers loads of information on AKC programs and breed specific characteristics.  Good site to begin research if considering adding a new camper to your home.


Critter Adoption and Rescue Effort, Inc - C.A.R.E

C.A.R.E. is a non-profit, no-kill animal shelter for abused and abandoned cats and dogs. They are located in Ruskin, Florida.

Most of the animals that come to CARE need just a few weeks of special care before they are ready for adoption to a good home. Others, who are older or sick or have suffered extreme trauma, become CARE ambassadors and find a special home at CARE for the rest of their lives.

The mission of CARE is to help bring about a time when there are no more homeless pets, and when every cat or dog can be guaranteed a good home with a loving family.

“Donations to this shelter are always needed – as a non-profit, no kill shelter – donations are what keep this worthwhile effort going.  We have volunteered here and know how great the need is and how hard they work caring for a lot of furry campers without homes.  If you have thought about adoption, please check them out.”


American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
The mission of the ASPCA is to provide effective means for prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States .


Catnip is a newsletter for caring cat owners.


Tampa Bay Humane Society

Leading the Way because Every Life Counts -  Dedicated to ending animal homelessness and providing care andcomfort for companion animals in need

National Council on Aging Care Guide on Pets for Seniors

A comprehensive guide on all things related to seniors and owning pets.


Pet finder

A great place to start if you're looking to adopt 


Whole Dog Journal
The Whole Dog Journal is a monthly guide to natural dog care and training.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Network (RASN)

Provides information and support for owners with dogs struggling with arthritis.

Center For Pet Loss Grief  
Is a safe place for animal lovers to find comfort and receive a greater understanding of their pet loss grief. A resource for compassionate support when working through the grief that comes with the illness or death of a beloved animal companion. And a supportive community so no one ever has to feel alone in their journey of pet loss grief. Founded by Wendy Van de Poll a certified end of life and pet loss grief coach, animal medium and communicator, speaker and educator. She is best selling and award winning author. She has appeared on radio, podcast and TV.

Pet MD
Pet Health and Pet Nutrition Information - petmd is the largest website library of pet health information, including symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.



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8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Monday - Sunday


P.O. BOX 1408
Dover, Florida 33527


Tel: 813-481-5671

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